Dangerous mistakes
Some things that one can do with sciebo will lead to the loss of data. This may not always be obvious.
Combining the sciebo-Client with Sync-Services
You cannot use the sciebo-client and another cloud-client, such as Google Drive, dropbox or Microsoft OneDrive for the same folder.
Especially folders synchronized to Microsoft OneDrive may be a little hard to recognize.
Combining a Sciebo-Client with another Sciebo-Client
You should not use the same folder with two different sciebo-clients. This may happen if for example a partition of your hard drive is used by two diffent operating systems.
Using the Sciebo-Client with a Network-Drive
The Sciebo client cannot be used with a Network-Drive. Errors in network traffic can quickly lead to the loss of data, and Errors in Network traffic occur more often than many people think.
Using WebDav to use sciebo as a Network-Drive
It would be nice if this worked well. But data is transferred only at specific times, that are hard to control (or even see) by the user, and so it may happen that sciebo does not receive the data at all or only empty files.x