sciebo docs
Welcome to the advanced Sciebo-Documentation!
Here you can find Explanations for basic functionality and also some tips and tricks for more advanced users.
Basic functionality is also explained on our homepage.
HELP! Everything looks different now!
Your instance has probably been migrated. Please find more information here: Nextcloud-Migration
- Frequently asked questions
- Account Management
- Sharing
- Guests
- Apps and Integration
- Joplin (not translated)
- Automatically drop Files into Sciebo (not translated)
- Filelink
- Security Settings
- Useful Information
- Known Bugs (not translated)
- Who owns the Data
- Expiration and Deletion Dates
- Client Logs (not translated)
- Dangerous Mistakes
- For the Support Staff
- AAI (not translated)
- Create and Manage Project Boxes (not translated)